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Example Questions
Example Question #201 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Over the last thousand years, fighters for Vietnamese independence have had to combat all of the following except _______________.
American forces
French forces
Chinese forces
Italian forces
Japanese forces
Italian forces
The Italians never attempted to colonize Vietnam.
Many Vietnamese fought against American influence in South Vietnam because they saw it as an obstacle to Vietnamese independence.
Many Vietnamese fought against French colonial efforts in Vietnam because they wanted an independence.
Chinese encroachment caused many Vietnamese to take up arms for the cause of independence.
During WWII, many Vietnamese fought against Japanese imperialism including Ho Chi Minh.
Example Question #202 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
After the last Chinese emperor, Pu-Yi, was forced to abdicate, he was used by the Japanese military as a puppet leader of the vassal state of _____________.
The Japanese used Pu-Yi as a puppet leader of their northern Chinese vassal state, Manchukuo.
The Japanese did not attempt to make Pu-Yi the leader of Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, or Burma as a Chinese sovereign would not have been welcomed in any of these places.
Example Question #4 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 1900 To Present
By 1914 how many nations in Africa remained independent?
By 1914 only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent from European rule. This was due to the military prowess of the Ethiopians, and the American protection afforded to Liberia. The rest of the continent had been taken over by the Europeans by 1914.
Example Question #203 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Why did Ethiopia remain independent from European rule?
No natural resources
No access to the sea
Ethiopia's military prowess
Lack of European interest
Ethiopia's military prowess
The Ethiopian military successfully defended Ethiopia from several attempted European invasions. The problem for the Europeans was the difficult mountainous terrain gave the Ethiopians the advantage in battle, one which they exploited very well and which attacking Europeans did not understand or plan for.
Example Question #204 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
The outgoing British and French colonial administrations designed the modern Middle East to _______________.
be weak, thereby ensuring dependency upon Britain and France
be wealthy, by aligning cities with large ports and those with large workshops
be expansive, able to politically incorporate other regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, and south and central Asia
be democratic, in the European, Enlightenment tradition
be strong, thereby ensuring a stable region
be weak, thereby ensuring dependency upon Britain and France
The outgoing colonial administrations of Britain and France wanted to ensure continued European domination on the Middle East; therefore they wanted the region to be weak comparable to Britain and France.
The British and French were wary of the hundreds of millions of Arabic speakers and others who comprise the Middle East's population; they wanted to ensure the region remained divided and weak, rather than united and strong.
The British and French injected systemic weakness into the region by severing economic relationships between port cities such as Beirut, and large, workshop based cities such as Damascus.
Although the French and British created certain countries, such as Lebanon, with a democratic government, others, such as Iraq and Jordan, were created to be hereditary monarchies; democratic governance was therefore not an all important prerequisite.
The British and French wanted the Middle East to be as weak and poor as possible, expansion into other regions of the world that shared certain Middle Eastern cultural traits, such as religion or language, was absolutely the last thing they desired as it would increase their power versus the French and British.
Example Question #205 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Comparative Politics in the Middle East: Key Terms, Organizations, and Figures
What is the name of the secret arrangement that Britain and France made in 1916 where both countries divided parts of the Middle East into sections under their control?
The Portman-Shaheen Contract
The Sykes-Picot Agreement
The Treaty of Paris
The Oslo Accords
The Sykes-Picot Agreement
The Sykes-Picot Agreement was an agreement between France and Britain to divide the Middle East into spheres of influence in 1916. This secret agreement took place during World War I, and was in part a result of the Ottoman Empire's collapse.
Britain got Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine, while France took control of Syria and Lebanon.
Example Question #206 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
The ______________ occurred in German South-West Africa in 1904, a territory that in modern day Namibia.
Peace Accords of Indigenous People
Great Revitalization
Namibia Massacre
Economic Leap Forward
Herero and Namaqua Genocide
Herero and Namaqua Genocide
The Herero and Namaqua Genocide is considered to be the first genocide of the 20th century. In the German occupied region of German South-West Africa, a campaign was led to exterminate the people of the Herero and Namaqua tribes. The German army pushed these people into uninhabitable desert and poisoned the only sources of clean water available to them. This systematically run campaign led to the death of anywhere between 25,00 and 100,000 people.
Example Question #207 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
The _______________ was completed by the United States of America in 1914 to create a faster sea route between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Pacific-Caribbean Passway
Panama Connection
Nicaragua Canal
Panama Canal
America Straight
Panama Canal
The Panama Canal was an ambitious imperialist project undertaken by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt starting in 1904. The United States assisted Panama in gaining independence from Gran Colombia in 1903 and a year later they were granted the right to begin the massive project. Many people died during the construction of the canal but it was completed in 10 years, facilitating maritime trade by allowing access between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by way of the Caribbean Sea.
Example Question #208 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
Japan officially annexed ____________ in 1910, leading to a period known by locals as a forced occupation and it lasted until 1945 with the surrender of the Empire of Japan to the Allied Forces.
New Zealand
Korea was one of the main targets of Japanese imperialism. The Korean peninsula, not divided into two states at the time, was one of the territories the Russian and Japanese fought over during the 1905 Russo-Japanese War. The Japanese emerged as victors and officially annexed the Korean peninsula in 1910, despite discontent from local populations.
Example Question #209 : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization
The ___________ of 1916 divided a large portion of the Middle East between the French and British and placed the land under their control.
Middle East Decision
French-British Agreement
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Williams-Giroux Pact
Balfour Declaration
Sykes-Picot Agreement
After WWI, the fall of the Ottoman Empire lead the Allied Victors to divide up the land the Ottoman’s had formerly controlled. The French and British reached an agreement to divide the land in the Middle East along mostly arbitrary lines. This agreement did not take the affiliations of local tribes into consideration, often confining two warring groups within the same political borders. This agreement has been cited for both the negative perception of Western powers in the Middle East as well as a contributor to sectarian violence in the region.
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