All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #2733 : Sat Critical Reading
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The __________ claims made by the witness about the circumstances of the crime __________ justice.
fallacious . . . incited
spurious . . . impeded
veracious . . . hindered
aloof . . . inspired
terse . . . motivated
spurious . . . impeded
If a witness makes false or spurious statements about a crime, they keep justice from occurring; therefore, they impede justice.
Example Question #181 : Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
It is often difficult to discern patterns in the many and __________ elements of stock market data available at any given time; however, order does begin to become apparent when one ___________ the data in various ways, examining it according to various approximated subgroups.
immense . . . sums
overwhelming . . . multiplies
uncontrolled . . . examine
fluctuating . . . considers
disparate . . . aggregates
disparate . . . aggregates
The key expression is “approximated subgroups” to which the many elements are contrasted in the first half of the sentence. “Disparate” items are those that are differing to a degree that comparison becomes difficult (if not wholly impossible). It comes from Latin roots meaning “unequal,” reflected in the English word “disparity.” When something is gathered together, it is “aggregated,” a word related to words such as “segregated” (gathered into separate groups) and “congregation.” These are derived from the Latin for flock (“gregis”).
Example Question #31 : Verbs And Adjectives Or Adverbs In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Certainly, where humans are gathered, corruption will be __________ to politics. Nevertheless, young idealists will always want to __________ this most unfortunate reality.
natural . . . avoid
foreign . . . ignite
endemic . . . mitigate
acceptable . . . destroy
corrosive . . . deride
endemic . . . mitigate
Something is said to be “endemic” if it is native to, or at least, regularly found in something. This negative usage is hinted at by the second sentence’s hint: “this most unfortunate reality.” The word ultimately comes from Greek roots meaning people (demos), a root found in English words like “democratic” and “demagogue.” The word mitigate means to lessen or to make milder. Its Latin root is mitis, which means mild.
Example Question #171 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Because the old man could not swallow correctly, he often __________ on his food, drawing it into his lungs. This led to significant __________ repercussions, leading to his eventual hospitalization.
spit . . . aerosol
hiccupped . . . medical
choked . . . cardiac
regurgitated . . . gastric
aspirated . . . pulmonary
aspirated . . . pulmonary
The key here is to note the relationship between the food, the lungs, and the repercussions. The easiest “key” to this relationship is “pulmonary,” which is derived from the Latin word for "lung" and has related English words such as “pulmonologist,” which is a doctor specializing in lungs. From here, it is obvious that “aspirated” fits the bill, for it means “inhaled. It comes from the Latin spirare, which means to breathe or blow. Related words are like “inspire” (literally to breathe into, as though by (e.g.) a spiritual flow), “expire” (to breathe out), and even “perspire” (to breathe through, broadly applied to the pores and sweat).
Example Question #41 : Verbs And Adjectives Or Adverbs In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
After having five papers rejected for conference presentation, the young man was completely __________, hoping little for any academic success. This attitude immediately changed and was __________ by news that his latest work had been accepted by a significant academic conference.
rancid . . . amended
downcast . . . altered
quizzical . . . broadened
despondent . . . buoyed
inconsolable . . . augmented
despondent . . . buoyed
Since the young man hopes little for success, the best word is “despondent,” which means depressed because of loss of hope. To be "buoyed" means to be cheered—as in to be lifted upward (like a buoy in the sea water).
Example Question #2237 : Psat Critical Reading
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The opposition organization __________ the private tax records of the mayoral candidate among the citizens of the city in hopes that he would be discredited on account of his __________ business transactions.
disseminated . . . questionable
faxed . . . avaricious
printed . . . nefarious
communicated . . . illegal
mailed . . . underhanded
disseminated . . . questionable
The organization “spread abroad” the tax records, an action that could be likened to the sowing of seed. Dissemination literally means “to spread seed abroad.” It comes from the prefix “dis-”, which here means “abroad” and a derivative of the Latin “semen,” meaning “seed.” The later word is clearly used not only in the word “semen,” which is like a “seed for generating children” but likewise in “insemination” as well as “seminar” (a training or “seeding” session for ideas). Regarding the second word, “questionable” fits well, as there are no implications that the transactions were wicked, greedy, or illegal. Being “questionable” does not necessarily imply any of those descriptors.
Example Question #1291 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Having suffered three seasons of continuous defeats, the hockey team was so __________ that they could barely ___________ themselves into action at the beginning of the season.
demoralized . . . rouse
distraught . . . persuade
stricken . . . justify
angered . . . convince
overwrought . . . cajole
demoralized . . . rouse
For this sentence, the best way to consider the options is to consider the answer words in combination. While all of the pairs other than “overwrought, cajole” might seem acceptable, “demoralized, rouse” really works best, both in meaning and in grammatical form in the sentence. The general sense of the sentence is that the team lacks enthusiasm and that they cannot bring themselves to start the season. To this end, the couplet “demoralized, rouse” captures the meaning best. Although very old usages of “demoralize” indicate corruption of one’s morals, it now is generally used to indicate a lack of hope.
Example Question #171 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
After the costly surgery, Sandy continued to __________ expenses for __________ care.
incur . . . subsequent
accumulate . . . postpartum
charge . . . emergency
receive . . . extraordinary
undergo . . . overpriced
incur . . . subsequent
The sense of the sentence is that Sandy is continuing to accumulate expenses for care that is given after the surgery. Note that we cannot say anything specific about the care except the fact that it is implied to be after the surgery. Therefore, the best option for the second blank is “subsequent,” meaning “following after.” The word comes from Latin roots for “to follow” and is found in English words like “consequence,” “sequence,” and “antecede.” When one “incurs” something, he or she is subjected to that thing as a consequence of some former action, the incurred thing generally having a negative connotation.
Example Question #44 : Verbs And Adjectives Or Adverbs In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The crabby old man did not intend any ill by his __________ attitude, though many found this aspect of his character to be rather difficult to __________.
cantankerous . . . abide
malevolent . . . reflect
vindictive . . . retain
malicious . . . abscond
dolorous . . . bear
cantankerous . . . abide
A number of the options provided for the first blank immediately contrast with the assertion that the old man did not intend any ill (e.g. “malevolent,” “malicious,” and “vindictive”). Likewise, there is nothing in the sentence implying that he was “dolorous,” that is, sad; therefore, the best option is “cantankerous . . . abide.” When someone is cantankerous, they might just be argumentative, not necessarily out of ill will. When one cannot “abide” something, he or she is said to be unable to tolerate its existence.
Example Question #191 : Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Sally took a pencil off of the empty desk beside her, thinking that no one wanted it, but it turned out that she had __________ Sam's favorite pencil without knowing it was his; when she learned who it belonged to, she immediately gave it back, having stolen it __________.
watered . . . fortuitously
appropriated . . . unintentionally
doubted . . . purposely
snatched . . . consciously
returned . . . unwittingly
appropriated . . . unintentionally
For the first blank, we need to pick out a word that means something like "stolen," because later in the sentence, we're too that Sally "immediately gave [the pencil] back, having stolen it." Either "appropriated" ("took (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission") or "snatched" ("steal (something) or kidnap (someone), typically by seizing or grabbing suddenly") could be potentially correct. For the second blank, we need to pick out a word that means something like "accidentally," because the sentence informs us that Sally "had [taken] Sam's favorite pencil without knowing it was his." Either "unintentionally "("not done on purpose") or "unwittingly" ("not done on purpose; unintentionally") could be potentially correct. Of the possible words that we've identified as potentially correct for each blank, only "appropriated" and "unintentionally" appear in the same answer choice, so the correct answer is "appropriated . . . unintentionally."
All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources