All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1691 : Sentence Completion
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The president __________ media criticism for his __________ decision to support the popular legislation.
obtained . . . magnanimous
cultivated . . . holistic
incurred . . . expedient
eschewed . . . nefarious
contracted . . . selfless
incurred . . . expedient
"Incurred" means receive something bad, like a penalty, while "expedient" means benefitting oneself but done out of self-interest. The president brought upon himself the media's criticism for having supported popular legislation in the service of himself.
Example Question #1691 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
At the most __________ hours, my young nephew’s __________ pace subsides and he is willing to sleep.
ostentatious . . . preponderant
predictable . . . calm
unpredictable . . . frenetic
inconceivable . . . judicious
reasonable . . . moderate
unpredictable . . . frenetic
"Unpredictable" means difficult to foretell or foresee, while "frenetic" means hectic or frantic. It is very reasonable to conclude that a young nephew running at a hectic pace would have a bedtime which is difficult to anticipate, dependent upon his pace subsiding.
Example Question #23 : Two Adjectives Or Adverbs In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
A person who wishes to conquer Mount Everest must be both __________ and __________—ready to take the risks of an adventurer and naturally prepared for anything.
audacious . . . dynamic
intrepid . . . intuitive
intolerable . . . haughty
passionate . . . focused
narcissistic . . . valiant
intrepid . . . intuitive
The second part of the sentence describes two characteristics of a person. “ready to take risks” describes a word meaning “without fear,” while “naturally prepared” describes a word meaning instinctual. Intrepid . . . intuitive fit these descriptions.
Example Question #24 : Two Adjectives Or Adverbs In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Although James tends to be a bit __________ at times, his usual __________ demeanor makes him a pleasure to be around during a relaxing vacation.
tenacious . . . objective
oblivious . . . tranquil
whimsical . . . grave
abrasive . . . placid
temperamental . . . facetious
abrasive . . . placid
It is being implied that James’ personality can be described two different ways here, and so we should look for words that mean the opposite of one another. For him to be a pleasure around during a “relaxing vacation,” we would expect him to be described as calm and peaceful. The answer "abrasive . . . placid" fits.
Example Question #25 : Two Adjectives Or Adverbs In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The young author discovered that true fame was ________ and ________; not only did he struggle to get the manuscript published, but also once it was made public, the media quickly lost all interest in the book.
vexatious . . . querulous
oblique . . . laudable
unattainable . . . discouraging
irascible . . . subtle
onerous . . . gratifying
vexatious . . . querulous
“Unattainable . . . discouraging” does not fit since the sentence indicates that the author did get the manuscript published, so he did attain a goal, and yes, that was discouraging but we need a word that relates to why the media lost interest so quickly.
“Onerous . . . gratifying” starts well since onerous does mean difficult and a struggle but why then would the situation be gratifying which means satisfying?
“Vexatious . . . querulous” sounds most promising since vexing could mean struggling as in working out a puzzle and “quer” is a root found in words like inquiry, question and query which indicates that an answer is sought.
“Oblique . . . laudable” does not seem to work in the sentence. “Oblique” is interesting since it might indicate an unusual direction as related to fame but “laudable” includes the Latin word root “laud.” The word refers to praise as in a laudable effort, laudatory and laugh which indicates merriment.
“Irascible . . . subtle” does not seem to work since irascible sounds like irritate, irate and ire which all relate to anger. Anger is different from a struggle and subtle does not relate to the media losing interest quickly.
Example Question #2293 : Psat Critical Reading
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Alice Ann’s Irish Dancing style was __________ yet __________: although each move was copied exactly from the master form, her execution was flawless.
interpretive . . . auspicious
exciting . . . memorable
derivative . . . perfected
cryptic . . . inept
repetitive . . . viable
derivative . . . perfected
This double-blank sentence gives you a clue with “although” since it indicates a change is found in the sentence. The words we are looking for might be opposite or at least related in some way. The first blank means “copied exactly from the master” while the second one means “execution was flawless” so begin by checking the answers to see which ones match the clues as stated in the sentence.
For the phrase “copied exactly from the master”: does exciting, derivative, repetitive, cryptic or interpretive match up best? Only “derivative” works well since it means taken from another source; although “interpretive” sounds good, it does not mean copied exactly.
Now try the second part of this answer: does “perfected” mean about the same as “execution was flawless”? Yes.
Example Question #1351 : Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Standing __________ in the spotlight, the actress seemed __________ to her audience; many thought she resembled an angel.
brightly . . . demonic
luminously . . . ethereal
shrouded . . . heavenly
confidently . . . self-indulgent
inspiringly . . . smug
luminously . . . ethereal
"Luminous" means brightly shining, while "ethereal" means otherworldly or angelic. An actress standing in a spotlight would be extremely well-lit and would appear to be like an angel.
Example Question #1692 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Watching a film about a __________ love affair between two people __________ a romantic spark between Mary and Mark.
dull . . . bolstered
tragic . . . diverted
torrid . . . kindled
perverse . . . quashed
ardent . . . squelched
torrid . . . kindled
“Torrid” means passionate when describing relationships and excessively hot when describing climates or temperatures, and “kindle” means start a fire or stir up. A movie about a passionate love affair caused a romantic spark to stir between Mary and Mark. Although “ardent” means passionate, “squelched” means extinguished, which doesn't make sense in the context of the sentence.
Example Question #331 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The __________ university had very __________ requirements for admission in order to maintain its prestige.
abysmal . . . exacting
empirical . . . rigorous
eminent . . . malleable
illustrious . . . stringent
preeminent . . . insidious
illustrious . . . stringent
A prestigious school is well thought of and thus has difficult admissions barriers. Thus, both answers must reflect positively on the school; therefore "eminent . . . malleable" and "preeminent . . . insidious" can be removed on the basis of their negative and unstable admissions requirements. Assuming that admission is difficult because the prestigious school is of high caliber, the school could not be "abysmal." The last incorrect choice does not relate to positive or negative qualities of a university at all, in that "empirical" relates to data.
Example Question #1693 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The virus was so __________ and deadly that it quickly spread throughout the entire country; in a matter of months, most of the major cities were __________.
noxious . . . growing
caustic . . . expanding
benign . . . emptied
virulent . . . depopulated
salutary . . . quarantined
virulent . . . depopulated
The correct answer refers to the dangerous nature of the virus ("virulent") as well as how the cities were adversely affected by it as a result ("depopulated"). The wrong answers only address one of these two; they either claim that the virus is helpful ("salutary") or not overly harmful ("benign") or that the cities were aided ("expanding" and "growing") by the virus.
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All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources