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Example Questions
Example Question #194 : Adjectives And Adverbs In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Lauren could calmly accept any true criticism, but she found the remarks made by John to concern ultimately insignificant matters and be rather __________ in nature.
The key expression here is “insignificant matters.” Therefore, she found John’s critiques to be rather small or insignificant. The best word to describe such things would be “petty,” which means “small” or “trivial.” It is related to the French “petit,” meaning small, and which is often used in English in the same sense.
Example Question #1787 : Psat Critical Reading
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Never one to waste words, Julius Caesar's military dispatches were __________ and almost curt.
The idea here is that Caesar never wasted words, so that should mean his dispatches were short. So, we need to pick out an answer choice that means something like short. "Effusive" is the opposite of short; it means overflowing, unreserved, and exuberant. "Dreary" means boring or uninteresting—it doesn't fit with our expectation of being short. Neither does "noble," which means upstanding or righteous, nor does "bellicose," which means warlike. The best answer choice is "laconic," which means terse, concise, or using few words.
Example Question #201 : Adjectives And Adverbs In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Zachary took the numerous encouraging events to be _________ signs of a positive turn of events in his life.
The best word here is “auspicious,” thought “felicitous” is a very tempting trap word. The latter indicates that something is pleasing or very appropriate for the given circumstances. When something is “auspicious” it is not merely a “happy chance” but moreover indicates (or at least forecasts) future success, something for which Zachary was hoping, as indicated by the interpretation of these signs as hopefully indicating “a positive turn of events.” The word “auspice” literally means a token of prophecy, coming from the Latin word for one who looks at birds to discover the will of the gods. When one says that something was “done under the auspices of X,” he or she means that X supported the given undertaking.
Example Question #202 : Adjectives And Adverbs In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Although he tried to find a pattern amid the __________ stock prices, the markets’ volatility was too great for him to discover any short-term or long-term order.
When something fluctuates, its changes in an irregular manner, making it hard to predict that which is fluctuating. That this is the case in our sentence is hinted by the fact that the “volatility was too great” for any kind of forecasting. The word is derived from the Latin verb for “to flow,” and has related English words like “flux” and “influx” as well as “influence” and “fluid.”
Example Question #203 : Adjectives And Adverbs In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Although the house was relatively new, it was in a state of significant disrepair, to the point that it looked much worse than many old, __________ buildings in town.
The implication in this sentence is that the house was in more disrepair than even many other deteriorating houses in town. The best word to match this sense is “dilapidated,” which means “falling apart due to age or lack of care.” It is derived from the prefix “di-” meaning “apart or down from” and the Latin word for stone, “lapis.” The stone lapis lazuli is so named because it is the stone (lapis) from the place in Persia (now Iran) that was Latinized as Lazulus.
Example Question #871 : Parts Of Speech In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Looking back on the many obstacles that he faced in his life, Luca could not help being amazed at his ability to overcome such __________ difficulties.
The sense of the sentence is that Luca had many formidable difficulties in his life. If something is particularly difficult in this manner, it is called “redoubtable.” The word does not mean “to doubt again.” Instead, the “re-” prefix here is an intensifier, meaning that the word literally means something like “really doubtable” (because it is so difficult).
Example Question #872 : Parts Of Speech In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
In a world filled with right-handed people, those who are left-handed regularly find themselves forced to become __________, often becoming adept at performing tasks with their both hands because they have been forced by lack of any other options.
The key is that these persons often perform actions with both hands, which is precisely what being “ambidextrous” means. Literally, it means, both (are) right or both hands are as good as right hands.
Example Question #881 : Sentence Completion Questions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
In the late-night mists, the street lamp cast a __________ glow that hovered in the air above the heads of the pedestrians; many children were frightened by the sight, which they frequently mistook for being the form of a ghost.
Since the children confuse the lamplight with that of a ghost, it is best described as being “spectral.” Other options like “eerie,” “devilish,” and “wicked” are not as directly related to the “ghostly” appearance. The word is related to a number of other words related to the Latin for look, such as “speculate” and “spectator,” though here the word explicitly means to have a ghostly appearance.
Example Question #882 : Sentence Completion Questions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Regina never had a close relationship with her mother and therefore was always searching for a __________ maternal figure to fill her perceived need.
Since Regina is said to be looking for someone to fill the role of a mother in her life, we can say most assuredly that she is looking for a replacement mother. Whether or not she desires one who is friendly, we cannot say, and while likely she wants a devoted mother, still the sentence most directly is talking about this need for a replacement. A “surrogate” is a substitute for some position or role. It comes from the Latin word meaning to replace or depute, more distantly being derived from the combination of “super,” meaning over and “rogare,” meaning to ask. The latter is related to English words like “interrogate” and “derogatory.”
Example Question #883 : Sentence Completion Questions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Sadly, Mark had developed a very __________ relationship with his friend Thomas; he was unable to separate himself from the latter, who himself often needed such attention to fulfill his ego.
When a person has a deep psychological reliance on another person, it can often be called codependence. This is particularly the case when the other partner needs such a relationship as well, perhaps for other reasons. For instance, one person might need a mother figure and rely on some woman in his or her life, while that maternal figure might likewise have some need for someone to support her (e.g.) alcoholism. If the other person is a drinking partner, this relationship could be considered particularly codependent.