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Example Questions
Example Question #3 : The Cold War In The Americas
"Now in speaking like this, it doesn't mean that we're anti-white, but it does mean we're anti-exploitation, we're anti-degradation, we're anti-oppression. And if the white man doesn't want us to be anti-him, let him stop oppressing and exploiting and degrading us."
"The Ballot or the Bullet" was a speech delivered by what famous civil rights advocate?
Malcolm X
Reverend Jesse Jackson
John Lewis
Coretta Scott King
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Malcolm X
The speech, "The Ballot or the Bullet" was delivered by Malcolm X in 1964. The intention of the speech was to separate himself from the Nation of Islam as well as encourage African-Americans to defend their rights to vote.
Example Question #4 : The Cold War In The Americas
The American opposite to the Brezhnev Doctrine is __________.
the Domino Theory
The Fair Deal
The New Deal
Mutually Assured Destruction
Manifest Destiny
the Domino Theory
The Brezhnev Doctrine states that all Communist states, in particular the Soviet Union, have a duty to aid the spread and ensure the continuation of Communism around the world. In this sense it can be seen as the opposite of the American foreign policy The Domino Theory. The Domino Theory states that if one country falls under the influence of Communism than the neighboring countries will likely fall also. Therefore, the American people must be willing to fight Communism wherever it appears.
Example Question #161 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The House Un-American Activities Committee was established in 1945 to __________.
prevent the sale of nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union
reinforce the internment of Japanese residents of the United States
encourage gender equality and the empowerment of women in the workplace
monitor and prosecute suspected communists
prosecute those suspected of hate crimes against African-Americans
monitor and prosecute suspected communists
The House Un-American Activities Committee was established in 1945 to monitor and prosecute suspected communists. Specifically, the committee believed its job was to protect the type of government specified under the Constitution—democratic, representative, capitalist, and providing equal economic opportunity—from potential subversion or sedition. The Committee was notable during the Red Scare period of American history.
Example Question #5 : The Cold War In The Americas
In the Vietnam War, the American military fought on the side of __________.
Vietnam against the combined forces of Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand
the North Vietnamese against the South Vietnamese
the South Vietnamese against the North Vietnamese
Cambodia and Burma against Vietnam
Vietnam against the forces of communist China
the South Vietnamese against the North Vietnamese
In the Vietnam War, the Americans fought against the communist government of North Vietnam and on the side of the republican government of South Vietnam. The American goal in the war was to prevent the spread of communism to South Vietnam. Opposition to the Vietnam War was a major mobilizer for social change in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s.
Example Question #6 : The Cold War In The Americas
The National Security Act of 1947 created which of the following?
Department of Defense
National Security Council
All of these answers
Only the CIA and the NSC
Central Intelligence Agency
All of these answers
The National Security Act of 1947 created the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council, and the Department of Defense. The National Security Act of 1947 was a major change and growth in the powers of the Federal government to provide for the defense of the nation in the wake of World War Two. The creation of the Central Intelligence Agency can be seen as an important early moment in the budding Cold War.
Example Question #162 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Peronismo in Argentina had a relationship to the economy best defined as
Juan Peron was elected President of Argentina three times, ruling from 1946-1955, and then again from October 1973 to his death in July 1974. Peron was a military leader who espoused a "third way" form of economics and government between capitalism and communism that was referred to as "Peronismo." Typically, this is called "corporatism," as Peron and his followers sought to have the government work with corporations and labor unions to create economic balance.
Example Question #163 : 1900 C.E. To Present
At the time of the Great Depression, the Brazilian economy was overwhelmingly reliant on __________.
the growth and sale of tobacco
the harvesting and sale of rubber
the mining and sale of silver
the growth and sale of coffee
the growth and sale of cotton
the growth and sale of coffee
In the early twentieth century, more than three quarters of the worlds coffee was grown in Brazil. The country was governed by a proto-republican oligarchy that was able to maintain power as a result of the high cost of and demand for coffee; however, during the Great Depression, the demand for coffee collapsed, causing the price to collapse and plunging Brazil into an economic crisis. This led to the overthrowing of the republican government, which was replaced by a military dictatorship.
Example Question #164 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Which Argentinian military officer governed the country from 1946 to 1955 and from 1973 to 1974?
Simón Bolívar
Juan Perón
Lázaro Cárdenas
Pedro II
Benito Juárez
Juan Perón
Juan Perón is the most famous Argentinian president who served during the tumultuous years of revolution and military dictatorships that defined Argentinian politics in the middle of the twentieth century. He came to power shortly after the end of the Second World War before being overthrown and ostracized from the government by a military coup in 1955.
Example Question #165 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The movement towards democracy in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s occurred as a result of __________.
the growing global demand for oil and other raw resources
the declining global demand for oil and other raw resources
the economic influence of the United States
skyrocketing debt and economic stagnation
the cultural influence of the United States
skyrocketing debt and economic stagnation
During the military dictatorship regimes of the mid-twentieth century, most Latin American countries were almost entirely reliant on exporting their raw resources to the industrial nations of Europe, North America, and Japan; however, as the economies of many Latin American countries began to struggle in the 1970s, their governments reacted by taking massive loans out from the banks and governments of the developed world. By 1982, Latin American debt had spiraled out of control, and many governments declared themselves unable to pay off the debt. This led to a movement towards democracy as the people of the various Latin American nations lost faith in the ability of the military dictatorships to provide safe and effective government.
Example Question #166 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Which of these is the biggest reason why military dictatorships emerged in Latin America in the 1930s?
Natural disasters
Weak republican leadership
Global conflict
The spread of Christianity
Economic crisis
Economic crisis
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the nations of Latin America were generally either colonies or republics, with a few exceptions. When the economic crisis of the Great Depression hit in the 1930s, many states lost faith in their republican governments, and military dictatorships were able to seize power. This happened in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, and several other countries.
All SAT II World History Resources