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Example Questions
Example Question #191 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The Iraqi invasion of __________ led to the outbreak of the Gulf War.
The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait took place over two days in August of 1990. The Iraqi army quickly overran their counterparts in Kuwait and the government of Saddam Hussein announced that Kuwait had been annexed by Iraq. The aggressive action was universally condemned by the world powers, including Russia, France, China, and India, and shortly thereafter, the United States issued an ultimatum that Iraq withdraw from Kuwait or face war. The Gulf War between the United States-led coalition and Iraq followed.
Example Question #5 : Desert Storm And The Guf Wars
The Shia Ayotollah Khomeni and the Sunni Saddam Hussein fought against one another in __________.
the Iran-Iraq War
the Second Gulf War
the Six-Day War
the Yom Kippur War
the Iraq-Afghanistan War
the Iran-Iraq War
The Iran-Iraq War was fought between the Shia government of Iran, led by Ayotollah Khomeni and the Sunni government of Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein. The war was essentially fought over Iraqi government fears that the Shia popular rebellion of Iran would spread to Iraq.
Example Question #192 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a member of
the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.
the Palestine Liberation Organization.
the Israeli far right.
the transnational Islamist group Al Qaeda.
his own bodyguards.
the Israeli far right.
Yitzhak Rabin was assasinated in Tel Aviv, Israel, on November 4, 1995, after a rally to celebrate the signing of the Oslo Accords, which were the first agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. The attempt by the Rabin government to establish a peace with the PLO and help establish a Palestinian state was immensely unpopular among the far-right elements of Israeli society. Rabin's assassin Yigal Amir was associated with various groups and has to this day expressed no regret for the assasination.
Example Question #193 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 intended to __________.
provide a lasting peace in Europe after World War One
emancipate women in British society
remove all Jewish communities from Central Europe
provide greater voting rights to the British working class
create a Jewish homeland in Palestine
create a Jewish homeland in Palestine
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was a letter written by a member of the British government to a wealthy leader of the British-Jewish community. It promised to create, or help create, a Jewish homeland in Palestinian territory. It was the first official step on the path to the creation of Israel.
Example Question #194 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Who was the first Prime Minister of India after India gained its independence from Britain?
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Mahatma Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
V. P. Singh
Indira Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
India gained its independence from Britain in 1947. The first Prime Minister was Jawaharlal Nehru, who ruled for fifteen years. Nehru led India in the direction of a planned economy and leaned more towards communism than capitalism, although his commitment was never absolute.
Example Question #195 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The Lahore Conference of 1940 __________.
contended that the time was not right for an independence movement and argued that Indians should remain loyal to the British Empire
Culminated in a massive religious riot in the streets of Lahore and Calcutta that killed tens of thousands
advocated for the creation of a separate Muslim state for Muslims in India
argued against the partition of India into a Hindu-dominated country and a Muslim-dominated country
was established to combat rising poverty in the Indian subcontinent
advocated for the creation of a separate Muslim state for Muslims in India
The Lahore Conference of 1940 advocated for the creation of a separate Muslim state within the Indian subcontinent, what would later come to be Pakistan and Bangladesh. The partition of India into India and Pakistan resulted in the deaths of countless Indian people and the forced migration of millions.
Example Question #196 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Haile Selassi reigned from 1930 to 1974 as the emperor of which African nation?
Haile Selassie was the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He is notable for his defense of Ethiopia against Mussolini's Italian invasion and for modernizing Ethiopia into the twentieth century.
Example Question #197 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The Union of South Africa was primarily a direct result of __________.
the construction of the Suez Canal
the Treaty of Tordesillas
the Second Boer War
the Berlin Conference
the fall of the British Empire after World War Two
the Second Boer War
The Union of South Africa was a direct result of the conclusion of the Second Boer War, in which the British Empire defeated the Afrikaner settlers of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic. The Union of South Africa would later become the Republic of South Africa and would be dominated by apartheid policies and racial disorder until the early 1990s.
Example Question #198 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The Second Boer War, 1899-1902, was fought between ________.
South Africans and Dutch
British and South Africans
Afrikaners and South Africans
British and Afrikaners
British and Americans
British and Afrikaners
The Second Boer War was fought between the British Empire and Afrikaner settlers of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic. It ended in victory for the British Empire, but did little to change the social, political, or economic situation in South Africa.
Example Question #199 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The independence of Ghana (Gold Coast) in 1957 demonstrates __________.
the beginning of African decolonization
the ability of democracy to prosper in newly independent nations
the direct involvement of America in African decolonization
how uninterested European powers were in their African colonies
the end of French colonization
the beginning of African decolonization
Leader Dr Kwame Nkrumah eventually named himself President for Life in Ghana a few years after independence. Ghana was a former-British colony, and European powers had mixed feelings about their imperial holdings and were not often eager to let them go (see, for instance: Algeria and Kenya). America played less of a role in Ghanan independence, but they did send congratulations to Ghana once they achieved it.
Ghana was the first of the European African colonies to gain independence in the era of decolonization that began after World War II.
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All SAT II World History Resources