All SAT II World History Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #31 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Who represented Great Britain at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919?
Robert Peel
Winston Churchill
Neville Chamberlain
Clement Attlee
David Lloyd George
David Lloyd George
David Lloyd George assumed leadership of the British government in 1915 and ruled as Prime Minister until 1922. As such, he was the British representative at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 where the victorious Allied powers discussed how to reorder Europe and the world in the wake of the First World War.
Example Question #32 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Which action directly caused Britain to enter World War One?
German invasion of Poland
Russian invasion of Austria-Hungary
German annexation of Czechoslovakia
French invasion of Germany
German invasion of Belgium
German invasion of Belgium
Although signed into an alliance with France and Russia, Britain originally wanted to remain primarily neutral in the First World War. Certainly, Britain did not want to fully commit its forces to the conflict. However, Britain was sworn to defend Belgian sovereignty. Once Germany invaded Belgium, Britain was forced into the war on the side of France and Russia against the Germans.
Example Question #33 : 1900 C.E. To Present
David Lloyd George and Georges Clemenceau were ________.
two leaders of the Easter Rebellion in 1917
executed for treason and cowardice, respectively, during the First World War
political leaders in Britain and France at the end of the First World War
convicted communists in the United States and France during the early years of the Cold War
NONE of these answers
political leaders in Britain and France at the end of the First World War
David Lloyd George was the Prime Minister of England from 1916-1922. Georges Clemenceau was Prime Minister of France from 1917 to 1920. Both men were influential in reordering Europe after World War One at the Paris Peace Conference.
Example Question #34 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Britain entered World War One in response to German violation of which country's neutrality?
World War One began on the Western Front with a massive German troop movement through Belgium and into North-Eastern France. In response to German troops moving through Belgium and occupying the nation, Britain declared war (it had promised to protect Belgian neutrality and was allied with the French). The French and the British stalled the German offensive at the Battle of the Marne, and the mobile period of the First World War ended, to be was replaced with years of brutal trench warfare.
Example Question #35 : 1900 C.E. To Present
For which of these countries was unrestricted submarine warfare an important part of World War I strategy?
The German U-boat policy of unrestricted submarine warfare was an important strategy in the Atlantic theatre of the First World War. In an attempt to cut off the British isles from foreign trade, the German submarines would sink any merchant boat headed there. This caused the sinking of American ships and helped turn public opinion in America towards war against Germany.
Example Question #36 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Who was the leader of Germany during the First World War?
Adolf Hitler
King Leopold II
Frederick the Great
Prince Otto von Bismarck
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Kaiser Wilhelm II
The leader of Germany during the First World War was Kaiser Wilhelm II. He replaced Bismarck as ruler of Germany in 1890 and set the nation on a course for warfare from the very beginning. He was forced to abdicate power following the end of the war and German capitulation.
Example Question #37 : 1900 C.E. To Present
The Zimmerman Telegram was an attempt to __________.
create a Jewish state in the Palestinian territory
trick the American people into voting for Woodrow Wilson
get China to declare war on Japan and Germany during World War One
get Mexico to declare war on the United States during World War One
rid Germany of communist influences during the First World War
get Mexico to declare war on the United States during World War One
The Zimmerman Telegram was sent to Mexico by the German government during World War One. It was designed to preempt American involvement in the war in Europe by ensuring that Mexico would keep America distracted at home. The telegram was made public knowledge and was an important motivating factor in America's final decision to enter the conflict.
Example Question #1 : Russia In World War I
Which of these major powers was most involved and invested in the Balkan region during the First World War?
The United States
For much of the nineteenth century, the Russians had shown a distinct interest in the Balkan region. Russia wanted a port city to directly access the Mediterranean, but the Russians also saw themselves as the same, or similar, nationality as the Serbian people living in the Balkan region. The Serbs at the time were under the dominion of the Austria-Hungary Empire, and Russia sought to help free the Serbs.
Example Question #38 : 1900 C.E. To Present
What name was given to the Russian legislature during the Tsarist regime?
The Duma
The Reichstag
The Kremlin
The Duma
The Russian legislature was called the Duma. It was created by the Tsar to give in to calls for democracy, but in reality, it had limited powers to effect legislation.
Example Question #39 : 1900 C.E. To Present
Rasputin was __________.
a leader of the Mensheviks who tried to sieze power during the Russian Revolution
a traitor who sold Russian military secrets to the Germans
a supporter of Lenin's who undermined the Tsarist regime from the inside
a religious mystic who held influence over the Russian royal family
killed during the siege of Leningrad
a religious mystic who held influence over the Russian royal family
Rasputin was a religious mystic who held great influence over the Russian royal family. Much of his influence was derived from his ability to keep one of the royal children alive. (The boy was a hemophiliac.) When Nicholas II was away leading troops at the front, his wife ruled the government, and the fact that she was considered under the control of a mystic led to much public outcry.
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All SAT II World History Resources