Mr. Bowler: A Man With a Quote by Ayla

Ayla's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2025 scholarship contest

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Mr. Bowler: A Man With a Quote by Ayla - January 2025 Scholarship Essay

Throughout my high school career, I participated in an Aerospace Program. For two years of this program, I was taught by Mr. Ellis Bolwer. In this class he taught all things related to aerospace, but also important life lessons. At the beginning of each class, we received a “quote of the day”. Individually we would read the quote, write a paragraph of reflection, and share our intel with the class. Not all these quotes were related to aerospace. In fact, a majority of the quotes revolved around the importance of life, work ethic, creativity, and hopefulness. Mr. Bowler would sometimes spend the entire class going over the quote of the day.

While many of my classmates were annoyed and unappreciative of this lecture, I took a lot of these quotes personal. Mr. Bowler would stress the importance of learning about yourself, your goals, your mind, and your life. He taught others and I how learning about science, math, and English are crucial, but not the only important factors to an education. This teacher was able to get me out of my comfort zone and think about the important aspects of living a truthful and happy life. A lot of these quotes taught me how to get to know myself and be a better person. I was able to tap into the creativeness of my mind and figure out what I want from this journey of life.

At the end of my senior year, instead of going to a big university and studying psychology, I decided to attend a local Christian college and focus on my spiritual growth. These lectures and “quotes of the day” encouraged me to form a relationship with God and focus on the growth of my mentality. I am now a proud member of a local church in Jacksonville, Florida and attending Trinity Baptist College. I am happier and more content with my life and my journey ahead of me. I thank Mr. Ellis Bowler every day for stressing the importance of spiritual growth (whether it was through religion or other aspects of life).
