Gifted: Was it Really a Gift? by Bailey

Bailey's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2024 scholarship contest

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Gifted: Was it Really a Gift? by Bailey - December 2024 Scholarship Essay

I remember walking home from the bus stop that day, holding in tears awaiting what my moms response would be. Looking back on that feeling now, I wish I could give a younger me a big hug. That was the day I got my first ‘B’ on an essay, over a book I barely touched, in 9th grade Accelerated Language Arts. By no means did I deserve a grade higher, but this was a harsh reality check I was forced to face. School had never truly been a burden to me, a luxury I surely wasn’t appreciative enough for. Throughout elementary and middle school I participated in various gifted programs that held my accelerated academic capabilities on a pedestal, giving me an overwhelming sense on superiority when it came to ‘grade level’ class work. In reality however, these classes separated me from reality and made it so I never felt the need to listen to the basic study tips thrown around in middle school. After all, who needed to study anyways? This set back wasn’t even apparent to me until I got back that first essay in 9th grade. And when I walked in the door and told my mom, tears pouring down my face, her first question was, “Well how long did you spend on it”. This question really lead me to question everything I had believed. She was right to question me, I probably devoted a total of 30 minutes into the singular draft I had submitted. While that was the typical approach to writing I had taken every year prior, I was now brutally aware that it would no longer cut it. This lead me into a rabbit hole, really deciphering if I had ever truly worked for a grade or success. I truly hadn’t. That was one tough pill to swallow. From then on I decided I would no longer just get by in school, I was determined to dedicate myself to earning ‘A’s’; however, this new found motivation was quickly lost given I had no idea where to even start. My previous education style of effortlessly smart had left me in shambles when it came to academic success. The shift I faced was easily the hardest academic battle I’ve faced, and to be completely honest it’s still a real struggle for me. I work hard to find study habits and practices that work well for me, but I truly do feel stunted when it comes to a situation were the concepts I’m learning do not come naturally to me. This challenge is something I am hopeful to further overcome in the future, but also something I know will always be a little taxing on me.
