English Sparked My Interest in Psychology by Ella

Ella's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2025 scholarship contest

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English Sparked My Interest in Psychology by Ella - February 2025 Scholarship Essay

In ninth grade I had to write a "personal essay". In this essay I wrote about my struggles with my mental health and being neurodivergent.I wrote about my struggles of being autistic but not receiving the diagnosis till I was 14. Not being diagnosed hindered the help I could have gotten. The diagnosis process is uneven for genders females don't get as many diagnoses as males. Writing that essay then inspired me to look into psychology so I could spot autism and get it diagnosed right away. The next time we presented we had to argue our topic. I choose how mental health and LGBTQ correlate and how we shouldn't shun others due to their sexuality or their mental illness. Being part of LGBTQ I was treated differently by adults and kids. Speaking and learning on this topic made me want to pursue being a therapist to help others who have experienced this. During my senior year I took a Psychology class and that only fuleded me wanting to be a therapist even more so I can help people who struggle with some of the things I also do. As someone with autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It gives me the relatability others might not have.
