How Leadership Benefits you in College by Jaden

Jadenof Loomis's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2015 scholarship contest

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Jaden of Loomis, CA
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How Leadership Benefits you in College by Jaden - March 2015 Scholarship Essay

There are many things that you need in preparation for college. College is a big transition from high school. Students are away from home for longer than they have ever been and their parents aren't there to tell them what to do. Leadership skills are necessary for college success because of the pressures of going to college and living on your own.

Some people say that when you go off to college that it is great because your parents aren't there to always tell you what to do. Therefor they can do whatever they want and not worry about what their parents will say about it. They also say that there is no responsibilities that they need to fulfill like they did at home.

I can understand where they are coming from, but just because your parents aren't there to tell you what to do doesn't mean that there aren't things that they should and shouldn't be doing even if their parents aren't there. Also even though they don’t have the responsibilities that they had at home they still have responsibilities that they have to do while at college.

Since I was 14 I have developed my leadership skills while being a soccer referee. I had to be able to make sure that all the kids on the field were safe and that the parents on the sidelines were satisfied with the things that happened during the game. Developing this skill has lead to me being better able to interact with people and being more self-confident. Being confident in yourself is important to college success because if you aren't then you will doubt yourself and won’t be able to perform to your potential.

Without leadership skills students can be dreadfully unprepared for college life. So it is a very important skill to develop before you go off to college.
