The Impact of a Leader by Kelly

Kellyof Florence's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2015 scholarship contest

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Kelly of Florence, SC
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The Impact of a Leader by Kelly - March 2015 Scholarship Essay

Leadership skills in college are just as important as they are in life. Taking a leadership role in college will help your grades, influence others choices, and leave an impact on the people around them. College should be a positive experience and influence growth and development in any stage of life.

Being a leader in college is a great way to help your GPA. Most college courses require group projects as part of the course curriculum. The leader of a group project is responsible for making sure the project is done and submitted on time. By taking the lead role in projects, that person has the power to organize, design, and make the project great. A project leader has the ability to influence a great presentation, which in return leads to a good grade.

A leader in the classroom can promote a healthy learning environment. The attitude of a student who is a positive leader will influence the attitudes of the people around them. Students are always being observed by their peers, other students and faculty. The example a good leader should set is a positive attitude, and great work ethic. If positive leadership characteristics are achieved in the classroom, it promotes a better learning environment for everyone.

The college experience should be treated like a job. Leadership skills are an important quality that will be observed by other students, and the instructors. Setting positive examples of punctuality, determination and hard work will make a valuable student and future employee. College should be treated like a perpetual job interview. The impressions that are set in the classroom can impact the employment opportunities that follow graduation.

Being a leader in the college classroom should be an important priority to the student. The leadership role can effect grades, influence how students interact with each other, and influence future employment within their major. If a student takes the initiative to be a leader in the classroom it can help them take charge of their lives for the future.
