'retarded' by Nevver

Nevverof Northridge's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2013 scholarship contest

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Nevver of Northridge, CA
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'retarded' by Nevver - August 2013 Scholarship Essay

During the Spring 2012 semester at California State University, Northridge, I took a class about working with children who have special needs. I am an aspiring science teacher and as a part of the credential program, all students are required to take a class on working with children who have special needs. As a part of that day’s lesson, we watched a short documentary about people who are developmentally delayed, asking people on the street how they feel about the ‘retarded’. Many people in the video responded in a similar fashion, “people should not use that word, that word is offensive, there is more appropriate jargon to use besides the word ‘retarded’. However, one couple in the documentary stated they have no problem with the word ‘retarded’ and their children use that word all the time when they are joking around with their friends. That comment offended me. As a second adult in a special education class, I work with children who are developmentally delayed. For a functioning person to say offensive words mean nothing to them and they allow their children to speak in that kind of manner is hurtful to me and the special needs community. After watching that video I became enraged. My professor discussed that when teaching we will have students with special needs in general education settings, and, as teachers, it is our job to bridges the gap and make the general education students aware and comfortable of the students who have special needs. Teachers have a huge responsibility within society. During that lesson I realized that my job is more than teaching content. I am forming and shaping the future members of society. If I want to live in a world that is progressive and meaningful, then I need to make sure my students learn to work with people with all types of differences and respect all members of their community.
