The Most Interesting Lesson I've Learned by Roselyn

Roselynof Minneola's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2013 scholarship contest

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Roselyn of Minneola, FL
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The Most Interesting Lesson I've Learned by Roselyn - August 2013 Scholarship Essay

The most interesting lesson I've learned in a class is that every person in the world is stronger than they think they are. No student is forced to go to college. If students truly want to attend college, make something of themselves, and have a chance at reaching their full potential, then they will make it happen. Persistence, dedication, and determination are the three key traits that a student needs in making their endeavor into success. A student might think that he/she is as smart as their fellow classmate, and therefore become less motivated to become something great in life. This is where I feel that many students encounter their downfall. I believe that a student does not need to be a genius to change the world. If a student gives up, loses hope, and doesn’t try, then they will ultimately fail. The student with the positive attitude and focused mind will soar far into the sky of triumph. All a student needs to do is the best that they can with their studies. It may sound cliché, but it is a statement that I believe works to a student’s benefit. This is how I am going to invest in my future. Taking risks, pushing boundaries, and doing the impossible may seem rather ambitious, but as long as a student has a good head on their shoulders and a strong will to succeed, then these things can be done. Every single person in this world is much stronger than they think. We can all push ourselves further than we realize. Investing in our futures may seem like a long shot at times, but I believe that it is definitely an investment worth making. As a student, I can choose to either go through life just getting by, or I can choose to discover what I am made of and how far to the top it can take me. Dreaming is a pastime, but actually doing what needs to be done for those dreams is something that will make time last.
