My Junior Year Experience by Roy

Roy's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2024 scholarship contest

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My Junior Year Experience by Roy - December 2024 Scholarship Essay

Last year, I was met with a challenging academic experience. I was a junior last year, and I had often heard that junior year was the hardest year academically. For some reason, I believed that this was the perfect time to double up on college classes. This would already be bad enough, however a whole different layer was added when you consider the fact that I had never taken a college class. Add in the fact that they were two math classes and they were in back-to-back periods, and you have yourself the cherry on top.

So, I entered last year open-minded, and I believed that I was ready for a challenge. I was sorely mistaken. The first quarter didn’t prove to be too difficult, however as time went on, the classes became tougher and tougher. I was having a hard time keeping up with my work and for the first time, I had accrued some missing work. At this point, I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and overworked. However, my solution to this proved to be a balanced schedule. I physically wrote out my week-to-week plan and had a set amount of time outside of school to do my work. I spent some extra time making up assignments and got back on track. Thankfully, this is exactly what I needed. I ended up with an A in the class, and I have learned to better manage my time inside and outside of school.
