The most important lesson I've learned in class by Ryan

Ryanof Pineville's entry into Varsity Tutor's August 2013 scholarship contest

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Ryan of Pineville, LA
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The most important lesson I've learned in class by Ryan - August 2013 Scholarship Essay

I have learned many lessons in the classes I have attended. I have learned everything from how to draw a circle to how to build a rocket ship. I've became educated on the Latin language and Morse code. All of these lessons were important and vital crafting and forming me into the individual I am today. However, the most important lesson that I have learned wasn't necessarily taught to me by the teacher or instructor. Over the years I have seen a pattern that has maintained constant for all classes. They way in which you treat people along with their ideas and the things they hold dear, affects the way that they feel compelled to treat you. I have seen this with my teachers, my parents, my instructors, and even my fellow students who were educating me on a topic I wasn't familiar with. This is a very important lesson because it allows me to have the ability to treat people in a manner that will make them feel compelled to help or assist me. This lesson has made teachers more forgiving and helpful in school. My parents are also more forgiving and they are more willing to spend additional time help me when they have other responsibilities. My peers and friends as well also are more open to helping me with homework or contributing to a project or assignment.This, I feel, is the most interesting lesson I’ve learned because it has opened countless opportunities to me; and unlike other lessons, it is not just bound by a subject but by my willingness to use it.
