How has education shaped who you are today? by Tamara

Tamaraof Lake Elsinore's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2014 scholarship contest

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Tamara of Lake Elsinore, CA
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How has education shaped who you are today? by Tamara - December 2014 Scholarship Essay

Education is very important in today's time. It is often the difference between having a successful job and being in line for the unemployment office. Education is said by Nelson Mandela to be, "..the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." For me education is the gateway to a better life.

Being the first in my family to pursue my college education means a lot to me, it means I can be an influencer to the rest of my family and perhaps convince them to enter into college themselves. I came from the worst part of Los Angeles and it showed in my academics, I was about two years behind and had a careless attitude about it. Soon afterwards I came to live with my aunt and uncle and they showed me how to work hard and enjoy the fruits of my work. I am now a senior in high school working for my honors degree, the class valedictorian, and the last time I had a state test I tested two and a half years ahead of myself. There is no word that can describe how proud I am of myself. I have learned to accept education as a key to unlock the door of the world. Education is possibly the most important thing in today's society.

Education has shaped me into a totally different person and I am grateful for that. I have witnessed first hand that education can change a person. Education is a great tool to take control of your life. I would recommend education to everyone looking for a better life.
