All SSAT Elementary Level Math Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Draw Picture And Bar Graphs To Represent A Data Set: Ccss.Math.Content.2.Md.D.10
Mr. Ray's class created a bar graph to show the number of stuffed animals each student has at home.
How many students have stuffed animals?
Using the bar graph, we look for the bar that is for stuffed animals, which is the ninth one on the left. That bar has
boxes in it, which means
students have
stuffed animals.
Example Question #2 : Draw Picture And Bar Graphs To Represent A Data Set: Ccss.Math.Content.2.Md.D.10
Mr. Ray's class created a bar graph to show the number of stuffed animals each student has at home.
How many students have the most stuffed animals?
Based on this bar graph, the most stuffed animals that a student has is
students have
stuffed animals.
Example Question #5 : Draw Picture And Bar Graphs To Represent A Data Set: Ccss.Math.Content.2.Md.D.10
Mr. Ray's class created a bar graph to show the number of stuffed animals each student has at home.
What is the most popular number of stuffed animals to have in Mr. Ray's class?
Based on the bar graph, students have
stuffed animals.
is the highest number of students that have the same number of stuffed animals.
Example Question #132 : Data Analysis
If Brayden scored an on his science test, what is the average of his two test scores?
To find the answer, we should add Brayden's math test score () to Brayden's science test score (
) and divide by
Example Question #171 : Data Analysis And Probability
Which student has the greatest sum of their test scores?
To find this answer, add together each student's math and english test scores to see which student has the greatest sum. Ernie recieved points when adding his math and English test scores together, which is higher than the other four students.
Example Question #32 : How To Find The Answer From A Table
How many students selected Spanish as their favorite subject?
To find this answer, look at the Favorite Subject column and see how many students selected Spanish as their favorite subject. No students selected Spanish, so the answer is
Example Question #172 : Data Analysis And Probability
Look at the chart below. What is there the most of?
There are oranges,
grapes, and
is the biggest number, so there are more oranges than grapes or apples.
Example Question #173 : Data Analysis And Probability
Look at the chart below. How many apples are there?
In the chart, apples are shown in the first bar. That bar goes up to the number , which means there are
Example Question #3 : Organize, Represent, And Interpret Data: Ccss.Math.Content.1.Md.C.4
Look at the chart below. How many oranges are there?
In the chart, oranges are shown in the second bar. That bar goes up to the number , which means there are
Example Question #174 : Data Analysis And Probability
Look at the chart below. How many grapes are there?
In the chart, grapes are shown in the last bar. That bar goes up to the number , which means there are
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All SSAT Elementary Level Math Resources