All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #21 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
__________ when I saw his true generous nature.
I fled
My love for him deepened
The people cheered
I trembled with fear
The animals suffered
My love for him deepened
To solve this problem you have to determine what the speaker was most likely to do when she saw the man's true generous nature. "Generous" means kind, giving so it is a positive adjective. The correct answer then is "My love for him deepened . . . " To provide help, "deepened" means became deeper, became more intense. Additionally, "fled" means ran away from; "trembled" means shook (with fear); "suffered" means experienced pain. Finally, you might have thought that the people cheering would be a reasonable reaction, but the pronoun used in this answer choice does not match the pronoun used in the sentence completion problem.
Example Question #22 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
She was already annoyed, but __________ when she realized I was lying.
she seemed cheerful
she became furious
it did not matter to her
her mother called
she forgave me
she became furious
In this problem you are told that the subject was "already annoyed" and that something happened when she found out the speaker was lying. Based on the context it is probable that her feelings became more intense. So, to solve this problem you need to figure out which of these answer choices contains something that is like a more intense form of being annoyed. The correct answer is " . . . she became furious . . . " "Furious" means very angry, irate. Additionally, "cheerful" means happy, in a good mood.
Example Question #23 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
She moves __________; sluggish and plodding.
like a jungle cat
like a turtle
with speed and agility
without pain or suffering
as if connected to the whole universe
like a turtle
To solve this problem you need to know what "sluggish" and "plodding" mean. "Sluggish" means slow and "plodding" means slow-moving or boring. So, which of these answer choices fits with something slow-moving? The correct answer is " . . . like a turtle . . . " Additionally, "agility" is balance; "suffering" is prolonged pain, lasting mental or physical pain.
Example Question #24 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
__________ he became lonely.
When he fell in love
After his best friend moved
Having never been to a forest
Although he was alone
Despite being alone
After his best friend moved
To solve this problem you need to determine which of these answer choices is an action that might lead to someone becoming lonely. "Lonely" means feeling sad that one is alone. So, the correct answer is "After his best friend moved . . . " The other answer choices all contain conjunctions that do not make sense within the context of the sentence.
Example Question #25 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
__________ she made a great ballerina.
Although she loved to perform
Because she was so flexible
Hostile towards dancing
Despite being very flexible
Because she was gigantic
Because she was so flexible
Obviously to solve this problem you need to know that a "ballerina" is a type of dancer, often female, who has great balance, body control, and flexibility. So which of these answer choices describes a reason why someone might become a ballerina? The correct answer is "Because she was so flexible . . . " "Flexible" means bendy, able to bend one's body. The other answer choices either use illogical conjunctions or are nonsensical. Additionally, "hostile" means aggressive, angry towards; "gigantic" means very large.
Example Question #26 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
__________ when she dropped out of college.
She graduated top of her class
She felt she had succeeded
She moved into her university dormitory
She achieved academic success
Her parents were very disappointed
Her parents were very disappointed
To solve this problem you need to figure out which of these answer choices most likely describes what would happen when someone drops out of college. The correct answer is therefore "Her parents were very disappointed . . . " as this is the only negative answer available. Additionally, "graduated" means moved on from, successfully completed academic work; "academic" means related to school or college.
Example Question #27 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
For him it was like __________; as close to God as he was ever going to get.
a religious experience
an extreme anxiety
a flawed moment
an unorthodox experience
a perfect failure
a religious experience
To solve this problem you have to determine which of these answer choices describes an event that relates to feeling close to God. The correct answer is therefore " . . . a religious experience." An "experience" is something that happens to you. Additionally, "unorthodox" means not usual, unconventional; "anxiety" means worry, fear about the future; "extreme" means intense; "flawed" means not perfect, containing errors.
Example Question #28 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
__________ and imprisoned the local rulers.
The people were oppressed
They completed their mild adventure
The army occupied the country
After reading about tyranny
The war was over
The army occupied the country
To solve this problem you need to determine which of these answer choices would most likely be related to the imprisonment of local rulers. This sounds like a violent action associated with war so the correct answer is "The army occupied the country . . . " To "occupy" means to take up space, to take over. The other answer choices are all either unrelated to the imprisonment of rulers or else contain illogical conjunctions and conjugation. For example a "mild adventure" would be unlikely to end in the imprisonment of a ruling class. Additionally, "tyranny" means cruel and absolute power; "oppressed" means under harsh and brutal treatment.
Example Question #29 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
Her foot was hurting and then she aggravated it __________.
when she spent money on medicine
, but never felt worse
and made it feel better
when she fell
by taking it easy
when she fell
To solve this problem you first need to know that to "aggravate" means to make worse. So, which of these answer choices best describes an action that might make someone's leg hurt even more? The correct answer is " . . . when she fell." All the other answer choices either describe the relief of pain or else are completely nonsensical.
Example Question #30 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
His gloomy demeanor __________.
made her think of darkness
allowed him to succeed in politics
illuminated the world around him
brightened his father's day
was intensified by his favorite meal
made her think of darkness
To solve this problem you first need to know that "gloomy" means dark, depressing and "demeanor" means attitude, mood, way of carrying oneself. So, someone with a "gloomy demeanor" has a "dark and depressing attitude." It logically makes sense then that this would remind the girl of darkness. Additionally, "illuminated" means lit up, shined a light on; "intensified" means became more intense.
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All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources