All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #51 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
The editorial was cancelled and hastily rewritten __________.
to offend the newspaper's loyal readers
to respond to universal acclaim
after the newspaper was printed and delivered
after new evidence came up
with the luxury of sufficient time
after new evidence came up
To begin with "hastily" means done with necessary speed and urgency. And, an "editorial" is an article in a newspaper in which the editor can be biased/can express his/her opinion. So, to solve this problem you need to determine which of these is an answer choice that reflects a reason why an editorial might need to be quickly rewritten. The correct answer is therefore " . . . after new evidence came up." To provide further help, "sufficient" means enough; "offend" means insult, cause to feel upset and angry; "universal" means worldwide, without exception, the same everywhere; "acclaim" means praise.
Example Question #52 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
There is nothing more refreshing than __________.
being stuck in traffic
a glass of water on a hot day
lying to a close friend
getting in a hot bath
hurting someone you love
a glass of water on a hot day
To solve this problem you need to know the meaning of the word "refreshing." It means stimulating, providing something energizing or enjoyable. So, on a hot day a cool glass of water would be refreshing.
Example Question #53 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
__________ after he got into a fight at school.
He was prohibited from leaving the house
He was hired
He was rewarded by his mother
He was revered by the teachers
He was acclaimed by his peers
He was prohibited from leaving the house
The boy got into a fight at school so it makes sense that he would face negative consequences. "Consequences" are the results of actions taken. The correct answer is "He was prohibited from leaving the house . . . " because this is a negative consequence. "Prohibited" means forbidden, not allowed. Additionally, "acclaimed" means celebrated, praised; "peers" means social equals, people in the same social group; "revered" means deeply respected.
Example Question #54 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Sentence completion: Select the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence.
The ship sailed across the ocean __________.
transporting goods
offering platitudes to close friends
manufacturing goods
consuming goods
studying philosophy and psychology
transporting goods
To solve this problem you need to determine which of these answer choices matches with something that a ship might do. The correct answer is therefore "transporting goods." To "transport" means to move from one place to another. Additionally, "consuming" means eating, using completely; "manufacturing" means making, making in a factory; "platitudes" are insincere comments meant to flatter; "philosophy" is the love of wisdom, studying the nature of things; "psychology" is the study of the human mind.
Example Question #55 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
When the fastball hit the man's leg, the bone did not merely break. It completely __________!
This sentence uses an intensification between the first and the second sentence. This is indicated by the words "did not merely break." The implication is that it did more than break—it completely broke. The only option that has this sense of totally breaking (in a massive way) is "shatter." This is the best option among those given.
Example Question #56 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
I got lost __________.
although I was never found
in spite of I called someone for help
so I called someone for help
therefore I am never found
however I was never found
so I called someone for help
To solve this problem you need to pay careful attention to the use of conjunctions. Conjunctions are words like "and," "but," and "although" that connect two parts of a sentence. In this instance the only conjunction and context that makes sense is " . . . so I called someone for help." The word "so" is used in situations where one thing happened which led to another thing happening. For example "I am very tired so I am going to sleep."
Example Question #57 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The two beloved old friends had not seen each other for years and __________.
were disappointed to meet up
were miserable with each other
remembered their relationship with disgust
left each other alone
were very excited to reconnect
were very excited to reconnect
To solve this problem you need to determine which of these answer choices is most likely to represent how two beloved old friends might feel about seeing each other again. To help you "beloved" means loved dearly or deeply. The correct answer then is that they " . . . were very excited to see one another." Additionally, "miserable" means very sad; "disgust" is a feeling that something is gross, unpleasant, or offensive.
Example Question #58 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The girl was terrified of __________.
feeling safe and loved
having to watch a movie
disappointing her parents
living a happy life
being completely satisfied
disappointing her parents
To solve this problem you first need to know that "terrified" means very scared. So, which of these answers best represents something that would make someone feel very scared? The correct answer is, of course, " . . . disappointing her parents." To provide further help, "satisfied" means happy enough with, content with.
Example Question #59 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
__________ and decided I had to practice more.
I was frustrated after losing my tennis match
I went to see my old boyfriend
I was thrilled to leave my house
I made a delicious dinner
I was paid in full for the work
I was frustrated after losing my tennis match
To solve this problem you need to figure out which of these answer choices describes a reason why someone might feel they need to practice more. The correct answer is therefore "I was frustrated after losing my tennis match . . . " Additionally, "thrilled" means very happy; "delicious" means tasty.
Example Question #60 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
__________ jobs are harder to find.
After you have been to college
When you are well-qualified
The less time you spent working
After you have lots of experience
When the economy is bad
When the economy is bad
To solve this problem you need to determine in which of these situations would a job be harder to find. The correct answer is therefore "When the economy is bad . . . " The answer choice "The less time you spent working . . . " does not quite fit the tense and structure of the sentence. If this was the correct answer the sentence would read "The less time you spent working the harder it will be for you to find a job." Notice how the difference in tense and word order changes the structure of the second part of the sentence.
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All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources