All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #81 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
The game was suspended __________.
after a fight broke out
after it finished
yet a man was present
in spite of the darkness
because the crowd was happy
after a fight broke out
To begin with "suspended" means paused, halted, stopped. So, which one of these answer choices best represents a reason why a game might be stopped? The correct answer is " . . . after a fight broke out."
Example Question #82 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
__________ and I could not hear what she was saying.
He went off with me
The place was almost empty
I'll never hear the end of it
The music was very loud
He left me alone
The music was very loud
You are told that the speaker of this sentence could not hear what someone was saying so it stands to reason that "The music was too loud . . . " The other answer choices are mostly nonsensical.
Example Question #83 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
My stomach hurts so __________.
he left the hospital
I am going to the doctor
she went to see a nurse
I'll never eat again
I am discarding my medicine
I am going to the doctor
If the speaker's stomach hurts it makes sense for them to " . . . [go] to the doctor." However, to solve this problem you needed to be mindful of pronoun continuation. The answer choices that contain the words "he" and "she" might have made sense if the pronouns were not different from the pronoun in the sentence.
Example Question #84 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
__________ has to deal with problems on their own.
The isolated community
Depending on the climate
Outside of his house
She was absent too many times to
The learned university
The isolated community
You are told that whoever or whatever is the subject of this sentence has to deal with problems without outside assistance. It therefore makes sense that the correct answer would be "The isolated community . . . " "Isolated" means alone, far away from other places and "community" means a group of people who work together or live together. Additionally, "learned" means well-educated.
Example Question #85 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
__________ because it is day time.
He will never be able to rest again
He cannot see any stars
Outside of the fair it is dark
She had to turn the light on
He went to sleep late
He cannot see any stars
To solve this problem you simply need to figure out which of these answer is most likely to be true because of the fact that it is daytime. The correct answer then is "He cannot see any stars . . . "
Example Question #2161 : Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
__________ is surprisingly reliable.
The consistent boyfriend
The honest teacher
Her new car
His favorite baseball bat
My old computer
My old computer
You are told that whatever is being discussed is "surprisingly reliable." This suggests that it might be old or used and would be expected not to work very well. To solve this problem then you need to determine which of these answers would be expected to be unreliable. To provide some extra help "reliable" means able to be relied upon, able to be trusted, consistent, responsible. The correct answer is therefore "My old computer . . . "
Example Question #2162 : Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
He felt ashamed __________.
at being given an award
that so many people loved him
in his future actions
of his many accomplishments
that he cheated on his test
that he cheated on his test
To begin with "ashamed" means feeling guilty or embarrassed by something one has said or done. So, if the boy feels ashamed it makes sense that he has done something wrong. The correct answer is therefore " . . . that he cheated on his test." The other answer choices all reflect reasons why someone would feel proud or else don't make sense within the context and structure of this sentence. Additionally, "accomplishments" are things one achieves, successes.
Example Question #2163 : Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning
Select the answer choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.
"I don't want this," he said, "__________."
she is just not that cool
he is too perfect
it is useless to me
it is essential for my work
it is just superb
it is useless to me
To solve this problem you first need to be careful about pronoun continuation. The pronoun used in the first part of the sentence is "it," so the correct answer cannot contain "he" or "she." From there it is simply a matter of continuing the idea. If he does not want something it makes sense that he would say " . . . 'it is useless to me.'" Additionally, "essential" means needed, necessary, or basic; "superb" means excellent, near-perfect.
Example Question #2164 : Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
She went to bed later than usual because __________.
she was feeling energetic
she was tranquil
she was exhausted
she had been home early from work
she had to get up early in the morning
she was feeling energetic
To solve this problem you simply need to figure out why the subject of this sentence would be most likely to go to sleep later than usual. The correct answer is because " . . . she was feeling energetic." "Energetic" means full of energy. Additionally, "exhausted" means very tired; "tranquil" means peaceful. As you can see the other answer choices all describe reasons why someone might go to sleep earlier than usual.
Example Question #2165 : Isee Lower Level (Grades 5 6) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
__________, so I had to buy some more.
I was sitting calmly on the beach
It is a winning cause
I have a plentiful supply
Sometimes I can be forgetful, not today however
Monkeys stole all my fruit
Monkeys stole all my fruit
The speaker of this sentence says they need to buy more of something. Which of these answer choices best matches with a reason why someone might need to buy more of something? The correct answer is "Monkeys stole all my fruit . . . " Additionally, "plentiful" means to have plenty of something, more than enough.
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All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources