All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #61 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
__________ and then drove home.
He lost his vision
She is in her car
She got into her car
She left her house
We have to think about this
She got into her car
To solve this problem you need to consider which of these answer choices best represents something someone might do before driving home. The correct answer is therefore "She got into her car . . . " Some of the other answer choices might seem correct initially, but they either do not make sense in the context or else use the incorrect tense.
Example Question #62 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
After the death of his dog __________.
he was optimistic about the future
he was very depressed
the dog was found
he took it for a walk
he arrived in a new country
he was very depressed
To solve this problem you simply need to figure out which of these answer choices is the most likely thing that would happen after someone had lost their dog. The correct answer is then " . . . he was very depressed." "Depressed" means very sad. The other answer choices do not make sense in the context of this sentence. Additionally, "optimistic" means feeling positive and hopeful.
Example Question #63 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
It was freezing in the house __________.
so they took off their clothes
before keeping their clothes on
so they lit a fire
so they ate lots of ice-cream
and they decided never to leave
so they lit a fire
To begin with "freezing" means very cold. So, to solve this problem you need to determine which of these answer choices is the most logical reaction to it being very cold in the house. The correct answer then is " . . . so they lit a fire."
Example Question #64 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
__________ to have escaped the accident unhurt.
He spoke casually
She felt fortunate
However she felt was wrong
She spoke loudly about
He felt unlucky
She felt fortunate
To solve this problem you need to consider which of these answer choices makes sense given that you are told the subject of the sentence was not hurt in the accident. The correct answer then is "She felt fortunate . . . " "Fortunate" means lucky. The other answer choices either describe ways she would be unlikely to feel or else are completely nonsensical.
Example Question #65 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
He wore a mask so __________.
people would not recognize him
he went to the store for groceries
as to reveal the way he looks
people would easily identify him
everyone can tell their relatives
people would not recognize him
To solve this problem you need to determine which of these answer choices is a reason why someone might wear a mask. Masks disguise a person, so the correct answer then is " . . . people would not recognize him."
Example Question #66 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
__________ was confusing for the readers.
The assistant's advice
The pilot's flying
The author's writing
The speaker's style
The doctor's orders
The author's writing
The key to solving this problem is the use of the word "readers." This should help you choose the correct answer, "The author's writing . . . " because "author," "writing," and "readers" go together better than any of the other answer choices.
Example Question #67 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The game was very boring __________.
yet the players also seemed bored
and we were interested in the outcome
so we were compelled to keep watching
and the players seemed excited
so we left at halftime
so we left at halftime
To solve this problem you simply need to determine which of these answer choices is the most likely reaction to a game that is boring. The correct answer then is " . . . so we left at halftime." Additionally, "compelled" means forced, pressured; "outcome" means result.
Example Question #68 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
__________ it must have access to water.
If this plant is going to die
The result has already been determined
The tree is slowly dying
The plant is likely to perish
If you want this tree to grow
If you want this tree to grow
You are told in the second part of the sentence that the subject of this sentence "must have access to water" this tells you that the first part of the sentence is likely about the ability of something to grow when given water. The correct answer is therefore "If you want this tree to grow . . . " The answer choices that read "The plant is likely to perish . . . " and "The tree is slowly dying . . . " could work if there was a semicolon in this sentence, but because there is not they do not fit the context. Additionally, "perish" means die.
Example Question #69 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The intolerant teacher _________.
was beloved by the community
was very supportive of her students
always befriended her students
was well-paid in spite of her tolerance
had little patience for her students
had little patience for her students
To solve this problem you first need to know that "intolerant" means not tolerant, not accepting or patient. So, if the teacher is "intolerant" it makes sense that she would have " . . . little patience for her students." The other answer choices would all make sense if the teacher was described in positive language, not the negative adjective "intolerant."
Example Question #70 : Style, Intensity, And Connotation In Phrase Based Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
He kept spending more money than he had __________.
yet he went into debt
so he could be called miserly
and his debts kept climbing
and he is very frugal
and he loves to save money
and his debts kept climbing
To solve this problem you need to determine what would likely happen if someone kept spending more money than they have. The correct answer is that their " . . . debts [would keep] climbing." The other answer choices either contain inappropriate conjunctions, such as "yet" or else contain words that could not be used to describe someone who spends more money than they have. "Miserly" means cheap, stingy, not generous with money; "frugal" means responsible with money, not likely to spend a lot of money.
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All ISEE Lower Level Verbal Resources