When applying for graduate school as a Chemistry student, you may be required to take the GRE Chemistry Subject Test in addition to the GRE general examination. The GRE Chemistry Subject Test consists of very specialized subject matter covered in over 130 multiple-choice questions. This challenging exam focuses on the four traditional areas of study in Chemistry, including analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Students typically spend many hours at the library poring over books and study materials in order to prepare for the GRE Chemistry Subject Test. However, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offers free study resources that are conveniently located online, and provide an opportunity for a comprehensive GRE Chemistry Subject Test study guide. The Learn by Concept tool is one of the valuable tools included in the Learning Tools. It offers a very specific, concept-based study approach that will allow you to self-assess where your skills are strongest and where your skills are weakest.
The Learn by Concept tool offers you a customizable study experience, including test practice with specific concept study in the four traditional areas stated previously. Going even further, you have the opportunity to study even more narrow concepts in subtopics within each of those four subjects. For instance, within the analytical chemistry subject, there are six subtopics, including concepts in analyzing data, reactions, or solids, concepts in chromatography, concepts in spectroscopy, and concepts in electrochemical, environmental, and other analyses. There is an additional layer of subtopics in each of these areas of study, as well. For instance, within the chromatography subtopic, there are specific concepts covered in column chromatography, and also in thin layer chromatography. The Learn by Concept tool is designed so that you can select the specific concept you want to practice when using the free GRE Chemistry Subject Test study material.
Each aspect of the study guide works as an interactive GRE Chemistry Subject Test syllabus. Within each subject and subtopic, there are sample test questions. The Chemistry sample questions are in multiple-choice format and simulate the actual GRE Chemistry Subject Test. The questions are followed by several answers possible answers, and then followed by the correct answer. A detailed explanation is also included as to why this answer has been selected as the best choice. The order of the multiple-choice answers changes each time you return to the practice, further providing a GRE Chemistry Subject Test review that challenges your level of knowledge of the material.
Although the Learn by Concept tool is quite beneficial for preparing to take the GRE Chemistry Subject Test, it is even more effective when used in conjunction with some or all of the other Varsity Tutor’s Learning Tools. Available Learning Tools include topic-focused Practice Tests, which gauge your level of knowledge of particular concepts in the subject you are studying. Full-Length Practice Tests that mimic the actual GRE Chemistry Subject Test are also included, along with flashcards and a Question of the Day review. All of the Learning Tools can be found online for no cost, and provide students with a comprehensive and customizable self-study learning experience.
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All GRE Subject Test: Chemistry Resources